Translating and Interpreting Services
Read this article to learn more about translating and interpreting services in Australia.
What if I don’t speak English very well?
- You have a right to have an interpreter available, by phone or in person, during any health visit (in the hospital or at the doctor).
- You can ask for an interpreter if you don’t understand what is happening or what is being said.
Look for this symbol or show it to your doctor/ nurse to arrange an interpreter for you.

- The Australian Government supports a translating and interpreting service called TIS National.
- TIS National is a free service within most Australian hospitals, local clinics and private clinics who provide Medicare-rebateable services.
- TIS National can provide an immediate telephone interpreting service. Interpreters help you communicate in your language with people who speak English.
- TIS National have over 2,900 interpreters, who speak 180 languages and dialects.
- TIS National telephone interpreters are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- TIS National can help you in emergency situations from anywhere in Australia.
- Call 13 14 50 to use a TIS National interpreter and tell the operator which language you speak.
- Learn more about TIS National.
- The operator will contact an interpreter in your language to help you.
- If you have a caseworker, they can show you how to use this service.
- Your doctor can also pre-book an on-site interpreter for you, if you need it.
- Pharmacies can also use telephone interpreters to speak with you about medicines.
- If you need emergency services (Fire, Police, Ambulance), call “000” or “112” from your mobile phone.
- Learn more about TIS National.
- There are other translating and interpreting companies, but they may cost you money for using their services.

Remember, you have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy at every visit, by every staff member.
You have a right to an interpreter and should not have to use a family member or friend to translate for you.
Your doctor or nurse should arrange for a professional interpreter for any consultations or meetings you have.
An interpreter should always be present for any of the following:
- Consent
- Assessment (physical or psychological)
- Life changing information
- Decision making
You can ask the interpreter to stand or sit behind a curtain if you do not want them to see you during the appointment.
If you feel the interpreter is not translating properly or not treating you respectfully, you can complain to your health care provider (doctor, nurse etc.) and to TIS National on 13 14 50.
Learn more about Medicare and Centrelink
The Raising Children Network also has information in other languages that can help you and your family stay happy and healthy.
Information for this page is sourced from Services Australia – Medicare, Services Australia – Centrelink, Raising Children Network, Healthdirect Australia,TIS National, The Australian Government Department of Health, Department of Social Services Free Interpreting Service and Department of Health Interpreting and Translation Services