Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

Read this article to learn more about healthy relationships.

You will also learn about what unhealthy relationships might look like and what different types of violence exist. You will also read what you can do to protect yourself and how to help others.

  • You can have a healthy relationship with someone when you build a trusting and positive partnership with that person.
  • Building a healthy relationship may take time and effort, but it can improve your life and make you feel better about yourself.
  • Healthy relationships are based on kindness and caring for one another.

You have the right to be treated with respect in your relationship with your partner.

  • Some relationships are not based on love or respect and are unhealthy.
  • A relationship is unhealthy when it involves mean, disrespectful, controlling, or abusive behaviour.
  • Healthy relationships never involve physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
  • Having a partner who threatens you or tries to control you is a sign of an abusive relationship.
  • Everyone has the right to live free from abuse and has the right to legal protection.

If you feel that you are in an unhealthy relationship, the resources listed below can help you.

In Touch is an organisation that supports women from migrant and refugee backgrounds who are living in abusive or unhealthy relationships.

  • You can ask for help if you are experiencing any type of family violence.
  • These are some of the different types of family violence:
    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Verbal
    • Sexual
    • Financial
    • Social
  • In Touch provides free confidential advice and help in your own language.
  • They have helped women in your situation. They will make sure you and your children are safe.
  • You can contact In Touch for a free and confidential service on 03 9413 6500 or 1800 755 988.

Video: Facts on family violence 2017

Video: Let’s change the story: Violence against women in Australia

You can learn more about the different types of violence in relationships in Shifra’s Community Health section.

Information for these pages was sourced from: In Touch, DVRCV, Our Watch

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