Men’s Health

This article can help men understand more about their health and what they can do to stay healthy and feel good.

Right to Care

  • You have a right to understand your own health and to make informed decisions about your own body.
  • All medical staff should communicate with you throughout your visit.
  • You have the right to an interpreter.
  • If you don’t know what is happening to you, you have a right to ask them to stop and explain what is happening.
  • You also have a right to say ‘no’ or to ask for more information before consenting to a treatment.

Men’s Health

  • Men have specific needs about sexual and reproductive health.
  • These needs are often ignored or overlooked and can make you feel alone and embarrassed.
  • You have a right to see a doctor, to feel better and not to feel judged.
  • If you want more information you can ask your doctor for a referral to a men’s health specialist
    • These are specialists who can discuss the your concerns with you in a respectful and helpful way.

Information for these pages was sourced from: Andrology Australia, Urinary tract problem in men, Beyond Blue, New Roots app


  • 1 in 5 couples can’t have children because of male infertility.
  • Men can be infertile (this is when you can’t get a woman pregnant) for many reasons.
  • Your doctor can do some tests to check if you are infertile.
  • Even if you are infertile, with the help of medical technology you can still have children.
  • Speak to your family doctor if you are worried about your fertility.
  • See Shifra’s section on Fertility to learn more about fertility.

Learn More

Fertility problems

Male Infertility

Fetility Perservation

Erectile and Ejaculation Problems

  • An erection is when your penis is rigid or hard.
    • It may happen because you are attracted to someone or for no reason at all
  • Most men experience problems with getting or maintaining an erection at some point in their life and that is OK.
  • This is usually temporary and can happen because of stress, anxiety, depression, medication, tiredness or for some other unknown reason.
  • If this is happening to you often or you are worried, you can ask your doctor to help.

Learn More

Erectile Dysfunction

Premature ejaculation

Ejaculation problems


  • Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer in young men between ages 18- 39.
  • Sometimes there are no symptoms, but you may feel a lump or heaviness inside your testicle.
  • If your testicles have changed in size or shape or you have pain or swelling, you should see your doctor immediately.
  • If treated in time, the testicular cancer cure rate is very high.

Learn More

Testicular cancer

Testicular self-check

Prostate and Urinary System

  • The prostate is a gland that helps produce the fluid that feeds and carries semen (sperm).
    • It is about the size of a walnut in a young adult but gets larger as a man gets older.
  • It can affect your ability to pass urine and this can cause pain and irritation.
  • Men over 50 should have their prostate checked by their doctor once a year.
  • In general, prostate cancer affects men over 75 years old.
    • But it can also affect men who are much younger so it is important to see your doctor if you are worried or have any of the symptoms in the links below.

Learn More

Prostate enlargement

Urinary tract problem in men

Mental Health

  • Men experience the same emotions as women however many men have been taught not to share these feelings.
  • Being open about experiencing difficult and frightening thoughts and emotions is hard but it’s important to get help to get better.
  • Men are at a high risk of suicide because of depression and anxiety.
    • Men who have experienced traumatic events in their life or been discriminated against have an even higher risk.
  • There are services that are specific for men who have experienced torture and trauma, either in Australia or before arriving here.
    • It’s OK to ask for help. You deserve to feel better.
  • There are also services for those who have been bullied or targeted due to their sexuality, disability or mental health.


  • 1 in 8 men will experience some level of depression at some point in their lives.
  • Depression happens when you feel sad, lonely and/or sometimes hopeless for a long time (usually more than 2 weeks).
  • Some people have trouble doing everyday things like getting out of bed, working or socialising with family and friends.
  • Other people may force themselves to be very busy and socialise a lot but still have a constant feeling of sadness or being alone.
    • Many men experience this for years without getting help.
  • Men who have recently become fathers (whether it be the first time or not) may also experience depression and not know how to ask for help.
  • Some people feel better with therapy or changes to diet and exercising more.
    • Other people might need medication for some time.


  • 1 in 5 men will experience anxiety at some point in their lives.
  • Anxiety happens when you have ongoing feelings of worry or stress that won’t go away.
  • Sometimes these feelings get worse around certain stressors (stressors are things or situations that stress you, for example job interviews, paying bills, moving, relationship problems).
  • Some people feel better with therapy or changes to diet and exercising more.
  • Other people might need medication for some time.

If you are worried that you might have anxiety or depression you can visit Beyond Blue and fill in this anonymous checklist.

  • You have a right to ask for help and to feel heard, safe and respected.
  • Help is out there and it’s OK to ask for it.
  • Don’t feel you have to deal with your worries alone.

Learn More

LGBTQI and mental health

What causes anxiety and depression in men?

Beyond Blue – Depression signs and symptoms


  • Your life experiences affects the way you think, feel and act.
  • If you are or have experienced any of the following you might find it hard to manage your feelings and emotions sometimes.
    • Are or have been a refugee or asylum seeker
    • Are or have experienced war or natural disaster
    • Are or have experienced physical or sexual assault
    • Are or have experienced abuse or ongoing discrimination
  • These things can all affect you physical and mental health and it is OK to seek help. You deserve to feel better.
  • Everyone feels differently during hard situations.
    • It is OK to feel sad, scared, tired and angry about the things you are living with.
  • Getting help is important to moving on with your life and feeling safe and happy again
  • Talking to someone, art therapy, exercise and meditation can also help.
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope can make things more difficult so it is important to ask for help if you are needing these things to get through each day.
  • If you have experienced trauma and torture in your homeland, there are specialised services for you throughout Australia that can help you.
  • These same services may not be able to offer support to help you cope with the difficulties that you might have experienced since arriving in Australia however.
    • Call Lifeline if you are unsure. You can use a TIS interpreter to speak to a trained counsellor about any problem that you might be worried about.
  • You have a right to ask for help and to feel heard, safe and respected.
  • Help is out there and it’s OK to ask for it.
  • Don’t feel you have to deal with your worries alone.

You are not alone. There are people who can help you. You deserve to feel better.

Learn More


  • Everyone experiences grief and loss at some point in their life and everyone copes with this experience differently
  • It is important to allow yourself time to grieve and heal.
  • You may feel differently about your experience at different times, so you can try different coping strategies that might work for you including:Grief time:
    • Grieving can take time, so be patient as you work through your emotions.
    • Allow yourself up to 20 minutes each day to grieve by taking time to be alone.
    • You can think, cry, pray, meditate, write or do anything else that helps you.
    • Write about your feelings and about the person you are grieving.
    • This can help you relieve stored emotions and show your progress.
    • Allow yourself to cry and work through your grief. Don’t worry if you can’t cry, because people work through grief differently.
    Talk it out:
    • Grieving can feel lonely, so talk to someone who may have been through a similar experience or think about joining a support group.
  • You have a right to ask for help and to feel heard, safe and respected.
  • Help is out there and it’s OK to ask for it.
  • Don’t feel you have to deal with your worries alone.


  • Self-care is any activity that can help you feel healthy, relaxed and happy.
  • Making time for self-care regularly allows you to feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.
  • There are many ways to look after your health even when you don’t think you need it. It helps if you can:
    • Eat well and exercise regularly
    • Get enough sleep and set aside some time each day to relax
    • Put time into activities and relationships that make you feel good
    • Create some short-term and long-term goals to look forward to
    • Try to deal with problems instead of letting them build up
    • Be aware that alcohol and drugs can affect your state of mind and relationships.
  • You have a right to ask for help and to feel heard, safe and respected.
  • Help is out there and it’s OK to ask for it.
  • Don’t feel you have to deal with your worries alone.

Here are some helplines

ServicePhone NumberWebsite
Lifeline – 24 Hour 1114
Kids Helpline – 24 Hour 55 1800
Men’s Helpline Australia – 24 Hour Crisis 789 978
ACT Companion House – Assisting Survivors of Torture and 6251 4550
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) 9794 1900
QLD Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) 3391 6677
SA Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service (STTARS) 8346 5433
TAS Phoenix Centre – support Service for Survivors of Torture and Trauma 6234 9138
VIC Foundation House – Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (‘Foundation House’) 9388 0022
WA Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) 9227 2700



Sexual Health and Sexuality

Erectile and Ejaculation Problems


Prostate and Urinary System

Mental Health


  • Don’t feel you have to deal with your worries alone.
  • You have a right to ask for help and to feel heard, safe and respected.
  • Help is out there and it’s OK to ask for it.

Last reviewed: Jun 2022