Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned Pregnancy

Read this article to learn more about unplanned pregnancy and what your options are. Unplanned pregnancy means becoming pregnant when you weren’t planning it. 

1 in 3 women will have an unplanned pregnancy at some point in their life.

  • If this happens to you, you have a right to ask for help and discuss your options.
  • No one should make you feel embarrassed or ashamed for this.
  • You can access confidential services which will provide you with support, counselling, and any referrals you may ask for .

There are 3 main options to choose from if you have an unplanned pregnancy:

  1. End the pregnancy through a medical procedure known as abortion)
  2. Continue with the pregnancy and raise the child yourself
  3. Continue with the pregnancy and place the baby up for adoption

Speak to health professionals who will offer you non-judgemental information that will help you make the decision that is right for you.

Information for this page was sourced from SAHealth, Children by Choice, CommunitiesQLD and MSI Australia

Choosing to end the pregnancy (abortion or termination of pregnancy)

Abortion is safe and lawful throughout Australia if performed by a trained doctor. 

No one has the right to judge you and your decision is yours. 

  • Australia’s States and Territories have a mix of laws and regulations concerning abortion. 
  • All states consider abortion a medical issue (not a legal issue or a crime).
  • In some countries, nurses and midwives are trained to do abortions but in Australia, abortions should only ever be offered and performed by a trained and skilled doctor.
  • An abortion undertaken outside the legal parameters set by a State or Territory is considered unlawful, which means it is a crime.
    • This is why it is important to know your rights regarding abortion for where you live. e.g. information on South Australia’s abortion laws and statistics can be found here.

Children by Choice also provide unbiased information that you can trust on your reproductive rights in Australia.

How do you arrange to see a doctor about your unplanned pregnancy?

  • Women can self-refer for a consultation with a doctor to discuss their options (in Western Australia, you will need a referral from a GP first). 
  • It is best if you find a doctor or health service which specifically offers abortion services and choices. This will make it much easier for you to consider your situation carefully and make the best decision.
  • The doctor should give you information about how to take care of yourself after the procedure. They should also give you a phone number to call if you have any questions later.

If your decision is for an abortion, then there are two options:

1. Medical (or medication) abortion

  • Medical abortion does not need an operation.
  • Your qualified doctor prescribes ‘MS-2 Step’ for pregnancies from 35 to 63 days (5-9 weeks) from your last period.
  • Your assessment will include a dating ultrasound scan.
  • There are special instructions you must then follow in the two steps you have to take.
  • The pregnancy will miscarry at home (this means the pregnancy tissue will leave your body like a heavy period).
  • You must have a caring support person with you in case you become unwell or bleed too heavily.

2. Surgical abortion.

  • Surgical abortion is a small operation which you have under a light anaesthetic (this means you will be asleep during the procedure).
  • It can be done on pregnancies from about 6 weeks up to at least 20 weeks (depending on where you live).
  • After 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, abortion is a little more complicated but still a safe procedure.
  • Some states will perform abortions after 20 weeks in special circumstances.

Both methods may depend on any health conditions you have and may have side effects so speak to your health provider about which option is best for you.

Video: Medical Abortion at MSI Australia

Learn More

Abortion law in Australia

Abortion Services (The Women’s Hospital)

Fertility Control Clinic

Hampton Park Surgical Abortion

Abortion services in Victoria

Abortion in South Australia in 2019 – FAQs

Medical vs. surgical abortion (MSI Australia)

Last reviewed: Jun 2022

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Choosing to continue the pregnancy

  • If you decide to continue your pregnancy and raise your baby, you can ask for help from different support agencies. 
  • Speak to the social worker at your local hospital as they can help connect you to these services. 

Last reviewed: Jun 2022

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Choosing Adoption

  • Adoption is a process where a child becomes a member of a new family and is not cared for by his or her birth parents. 
  • Making the choice to give up a child for adoption is never easy but sometimes a woman who is pregnant may decide that this is what is best for her and her baby. 
  • After adoption, biological parents give up all legal rights and obligations to their baby. 
  • Adoptions processed in Victoria can be started through the Department of Human Services or an approved adoption agency. 

Remember, no one has the right to make this decision for you or to judge you for your decision.

Last reviewed: Jun 2022

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